Last week saw the Icelandic Vikings on top but they slip & slide to 3rd after a spanking from Sainsbury's to really throw the bookies (and the power rankings) for a loop. That coincides with an Express run to the top for Tesco who will hope to keep the vikings at bay in their second game tonight.
The bottom half of the table is a Lidl different and I was always taught not to pick on the little guy but because I'm 6'3'' most people are litt-ler than me so everyone is ripe for the picking. Aldi, provides great value in the aisles but their value on the pitch differs a little. That being said, with 2 wins tonight they will be able shove their closest competitors right under them and avoid bankruptcy.
For those not aware, season 4 (starting on 20 Feb) will be a "draft" league. That means, we have 8 captains (4 MMP, 4 FMP) who will be taking decisive decisions after the final week of this season (13 Feb) to pick 8 of their players, the remaining 4 will be done by yours truly.
If you haven't signed up already please do! we still have plenty of FMP spots. If I don't get those spots filled by 7 Feb, I'll convert them to MMP spots as there is already a heavy waitlist there. Tell your friends, get your wife and lets make the last season of Winter League spectacular!

Other Information
Club Trials
There's a mountain of club trials coming up. Make sure you're up to speed on all of them:
Open Sessions
There are a bunch of open sessions still running to get your 7v7 legs ready for the seasons ahead:
Discs for Sale
Interested in getting your hands on a piece of history? Well, you'd have to head to the British Musem for that but you can definitely buy a piece of plastic with Winter League written on it here:
