Winter League
Ka-Pow! Winter Hat League is returning for a 3rd year! This autumn and winter, we are hosting anyone (Male or Female matching) who wants something to do with their Thursday evenings. The format will be ultimate that allows for lots of disc touches, friends being made and lots of running (trying to keep that holiday weight at bay).
What's it All About?
The league will run from October 2024 to March 2025 and will be comprised of 4 seasons. Each season will last about 5 weeks and each week will be 2, 45 minute games.Games will be played in the 5-on-5 sub-on-the-fly style (more in the rule details below).You can sign up for a single season (£32), or multiple seasons and we’ll provide you a discount for doing so (i.e. 4 Seasons costs £104 = £26/season). You will play with the same team for the entirety of the season and then each season, everyone’s name goes back into the hat and we’ll shuffle the teams again.
Playing Information
What's the deal with the games?
Mixed-Gender Hat League,
5-on-5 sub-on-the-fly style
Thursday evenings, 6-8pm
18+ years old
Skill Level
All adult players are welcome
Season 1: 3 Oct - 31 Oct
Season 2: 7 Nov - 12 Dec
Season 3: 9 Jan - 13 Feb 2025
Season 4: 20 Feb - 27 Mar 2025
Add all the seasons you'd like to participate in to the cart and checkout.
Discounts for registering for multiple seasons will be applied at checkout
NOTE: If the option you want is greyed out it is possibly full. Click on the individual season to head to its page and add yourself to the waitlist
Discs for Purchase
This is a mixed-gender league so teams will be required to work out the gender split for each game before hand. However, at least 1 female matching player must be on the pitch for both teams at all times.
Some specific rules for the league. You probably haven’t played this style of 5-on-5 before so pay attention:
Games are to 21 points with a time cap of 45 mins.
If neither team has reached 21 points at the 45 min mark, finish the current point. If the score is then tied, play one more.
Each team has 1 timeout per game. Subs are allowed during a timeout but the person who called the timeout cannot sub.
Half-time occurs when the first team reaches 11. There is no break, but teams switch ends and re-pull.
Hard-cap goes on 5 minutes before 8pm. Teams must be completely off the fields by 8pm.
When you hear “Hard Cap” add 1 to the highest team’s score and play to that number. I.e. if it is 18 – 16 and hard cap goes off, the first to 19 wins.
Stall counts are to 8. Normal Delay of Game rules apply (count-downs from 16 and 8).
There is no pull after a point. When a team scores, the receiving player acknowledges the goal and immediately places the disc on the ground. The other team has 8 seconds to take possession and put the disc into play at that spot (they cannot walk the disc to the goal line).
Players substitute on the fly. The designated sub zone is at the midline of the field, 10m in length, marked by cones. Every player entering the field must “high five” the outgoing player on the sideline before entering the field.
At the beginning of a game, both teams line up at the back of the end zone for the initial pull.
When a team gains possession in their endzone:
if the disc left the field of play, the disc can be put into play on the perimeter line where it crossed, or brought to the front of the endzone at the point closest to where it crossed the perimeter line.
If the disc did not leave the field of play and came to rest in the endzone, it is put into play where it came to rest.
Gender Match Ups
At the beginning of the game, the team that wins the flip will decide the gender split for that half (i.e. 4 males, 1 female or 3 males, 2 female etc.).
The second half will be determined by the other team and it will remain constant until that half ends.
If you are unable to meet the required gender split, the opposing team will start the half with +7 points. If teams are kind and wish to lend female matches while late comers are arriving they can choose to forgo the point penalty.
At least 1 female matching player must be on the pitch for both teams at all times. If your team is unable to meet this you are allowed to play with the max number of male matching players for that half (i.e. 4 or 3)